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Our mystery Rainbow chicks come from a variety pen that will throw lots of colors and give you a wide variety.  The pen includes Roosters and Hens of the following breeds/Varieties: Black Copper Marans, Multigenerational Olive Eggers (Roosters are DNA tested Homozygous for Blue egg gene), and Ameraucanas. Pullets from this pen could lay blues and greens ranging from light to deep olives, deep browns, and speckled browns. Since it is a mixed pen of a wide variety it adds a little mystery as you wait to get your first eggs! 


The eggs pictured are examples from my flock. Egg's colors will vary. 


Please note for local pickup a Min of 3 are required and 5 to be shipped. You can mix and match breeds. 


Please note that chicks will receive mareks disease vaccination at hatch.

Hens weigh on average 4-5lbs

Roosters weigh, on average, 5-6lbs 

Average Yearly Egg Production: 200

Age to Maturity: 25-30 weeks


Mystery Rainbow Chicks

$12.00 Regular Price
$8.00Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax
Out of Stock
  • Before purchasing, please check out our policies under the home tab. We require a min of 5 chicks to ship (you can mix or match breeds). 

  • Chicks are only shipped Express. If you select anything other than Express you will be refunded. Min of 5 chicks to ship. 

    Express is $115.00 per box. One box can hold 25 Chicks. If you order more than 25 chicks you will invoiced for a second box.

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